Advisory Board

Kenn Phillips

Kenn  was the President and CEO of The Valley Economic Alliance, (TVEA) serving the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles County, and its 5-city partners (Burbank, Calabasas, Glendale, Los Angeles, and San Fernando).  Kenn specializes in tax incentives for employee recruitment, training, and City and County tax credits.  Kenn also serves as a Board member for the City of Los Angeles Workforce Investment Board, Sherman Oaks Hospital, Encino Hospitals, United Chamber of Commerce, CSU Northridge Ernie Schaeffer Center for Innovation Entrepreneurship, and Regional Higher Learning Consortium.

Andrew Braner 

Andy is a skilled Lobbiest.  Andy served as a Chief of Staff at the office of Jeff Fortenberry, Nebraska  District 1, U.S. Congress. While in Congress Andy was active in Healthcare and is able to help identify and grow Healthcare opportunities.  Andy was a congressional Fellow working on Middle East Affairs.  Andy was the President and CEO of KIVU, an international student organization helping students “Discover their Vocation in a Global Community.”  He was an Advisor a Mediterranean Basin Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations at the Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and was also an Advisor and Fellow at the World Youth Leadership Network (WYLN).